Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Yanceys article

1. what are the three challenges of writing in the 21st century?

-new models of writing
-new curriculum
-creating models to teach

2.WHy does yancey explain writing that exists "in spite of?" what kinds of challenges has writing faced throughout history?

-female, teaching, race,

3.what is yanceys main argument?

-support the writing of the century to increase literacy

4.Why hasn't writing gotten as much cultural respect as reading? What kinds of feelings does reading produce? What about writing? Do you have any similar experiences?

5.What are some negative associations with writing?

express their negativity through writing

6.What is process writing?

-study how writing works

7.what is self sponsored writing? do you use it?

I do not use it

8.How is this century the age of composition?

it is because everyone can read and share what they feel

9.What is the so what?

Literacy is/can be powerful so people should learn to be much more literate

10. How dies this acticle define literacy?

Defines it as embracing literacy through technology.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Anna Kendrick. She is a gorgeous actress. She is very talented and witty and is obviously a rising star.  I feel like her twitter posts are all very comical and she seems to be very fun loving.  In all of her roles she is a cute young girl with an innocent role.  The stereotypical cute young actress is that she is dumb and will make bad decisions, however Anna Kendrick is a beautiful, class, well educated actress.  I do not feel like she will stray from her innocent personality.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Medias

Social medias. Almost everyone has some sort of online social media, such as facebook, twitter, or instagram. I have all three, however I normally do not post on them I like to get on them to just see what is going  on in my friends back homes lives.  The few things I do post show a lot about myself. I am kind and caring, however I do not let people push me around. On Instagram I used to post a few pictures of my cats...I know that's not the manliest thing in the world however I am also in Marine Corps ROTC, which is the hardest ROTC there is therefore people do not make fun of me for loving my cats.

My past five posts on instagram were all different types of pictures. Two of the pictures were pictures of my cats, one was a picture of me with my girlfriend, another was of a bonfire with some friends, and the last was a picture of a giant icecream cone I got with my friends.  I think these five posts say a lot about me. They say I have a sweeter gentler side, from the cats and my girlfriend, however they also say a that I like to be outside by a bonfire and have fun with my friends.
I feel that social medias are there to express yourself, however I do not think people should just put anything they want up there. they should censor what they post because it could come back to haunt them.  I never post anything that could ruin my chance of getting commissioned in the United States Marine Corps.  I wont lie, I do like to go out and party with friends, but I do not tell the whole world about it. Social medias can be a good thing I just feel that people should be more cautious about what they post.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Interpretive Leap

Analysis of “Now or Never” by outasight
The song Now or Never is a very happy upbeat song. The music video for this song is a video showing teenagers being outside having the time of their lives by doing a lot of hoodrat things while they are still young. They go out and they are just being chaotic throughout the town, they cut off the top of a car to make it into a convertible.  This video is basically just showing how teenagers need to go out and have the most fun that they can while they are still young. However, in a different video, the song is used as background music to the video. This video is about a bunch of extreme sports thrill seekers having the time of their lives.  The two videos have many different similarities and differences in them.  The similarities of the videos are that they both have people that are young and need to have fun while they still can. They are both videos with a lot of bright colors which gives an overall happy feeling to the viewers.  Both videos have a lot of different people smiling and loving life.  The differences in the two videos are the people in the videos are doing completely different things than eachother. In the music video the teenagers are trying to make the most of their young lives, while in the extreme video, by devinsupertramp, the people are trying to have as many crazy adventures as possible. They’re risk taking thrill seekers just trying to get some adrenaline rushes while they are young.  These videos are very inspiring  and they make me want to live my life to the fullest while I am young and able to.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Process and Product

My writing process started when my professor first told us that we had to write an essay about arguments.  The way my mind works is that I have ideas floating around and I need to find a topic that will cover all of my ideas. When I was looking for a commercial to write about, I was looking for a commercial that had a lot of different types of persuasion in it.  I didn't think I was going to find a commercial because all of the commercials I was watching only had a few types in it. Then I found the Dawn dish soap commercial.   This commercial was a good choice for me because I could relate to the college student that had to was the dishes and didn't want to change the dish water.  I really liked this commercial because it used ethos pathos and logos.  I know how to write about those three types of appeals because in AP English last year we would analyze how people would use those forms of writing.  I am glad we had to write our drafts before the due date because if we had not had to do that I still wouldn't have even started my essay.  I always wait until the last minute and that is a terrible characteristic to have. Also hearing my piers ideas on my paper helped me see the flaws of my writings which helped me a lot. I feel like this course will help my writing much more than my high school courses.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Crossfire blog

In class we watched crossfire which didn't really interest me because I have never really liked politics, however while watching the program I noticed a lot of different forms of argument.  It was a very heated debate between Stewart and bow tie guy. I really liked how Stewart went about the argument, because he kept his cool and tried to go about the argument in a very comedic way. He also said that the show they were on was "hurting America" which showed that he felt very strongly. I noticed that they were both on complete different sides of the topic and bow tie guy was just attacking Stewart as a person rather than his beliefs. I felt that that made him look very unprofessional. I feel it goes with the so what so well because it shows more about how people will attack each other rather than their beliefs.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

In high school I was not the best writer. I always took AP English but I would never pass the exams. I think I would not pass the exams because I was terrible at writing essays. My problem was that I could never get my papers started. I would brainstorm and get great ideas on my paper, but I could never turn those ideas into a well written essay. Once I get the paper going I can write a decent essay.  Another problem I have in my essays is I tend to repeat myself over and over again. I also tend to use a lot of short narrow sentences so I finish what I have to say in just a couple of sentences. I need to learn how to broaden out my ideas. However I feel that the best part of my essays would be my grammar.  I've always had decent grammar, so I guess grammar is the easiest thing for me in essays.